UX Testing: Google form

 For UX Testing and Feedback we created google forms. You can find the link of my form to review on this link: UX Testing And Feedback. It consists of various questions regarding efficiency, user friendliness, mobile view and opinions on each page i.e., contact and gallery page i added on my website. This review will be very helpful for me to improve my website overall.

I asked my class mates to fill my form accordingly and I will do the same by reviewing their website and filling their forms.
I will not share all of the responses as most of them were good, mainly due to we did all of our website stuff under the supervision of our qualified tutors.
But, i would like to share the point of one of my fellow who analyzed my academic writing a little bit.

The comment as it states that i should be using more formal language in my About me page of website, so my next post will be about that and changing it a little based on the response.
