Creative Writing: Initial Ideas and Title generation


So, for creative writing task we were suppose to write a story and make a book of it. It took me few days to decide the topic about which i am going to write. Then after a while i thought of a topic i was watching trending on social media for quite a long time about Tate brothers. How they are in jail for few months without any charges being filed against them and them being proven guilty just because they were about to reveal a lot of truths to the world. Anyways, this whole survey helped me a lot with what my story is going to be about. So i am gonna write about the people who are innocent and how much pain and suffering they go through in jail and how they try to escape and other stuff about it. So for this topic i am going to research some real stories and books on this topic to know more about how the language and different techniques are used to write a good story to create a good impact of the story on the audience.The title of my story which will appear on the cover page will be ESCAPE THE MATRIX.


  1. Okay this is your ideas generation post, please can you use proper English not colloquial terms like 'gonna' 'Anyways' as although the blog is informal it is academic - here you could have actaually added some research which you have not - make sure you add some robust research for your project with good referencing


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