
Reflection: Free Project

 As initially i was planning to make a podcast video based on short-film on the same topic i wrote the story on. As in my opinion i could have added more energy and feelings for the audience to relate through the video as the topic itself is about feeling. So to convey the message properly the feeling and emotions are very much required, which in my opinion could have been more effectively added by making a video and acting in them. Although i tried my best to put life in the writing but i still think there is a lot of room for improvement. Personally, i am not that happy with my last project but still keeping in mind that i have had some delay due to health issues , i think i tried my best for the best possible outcome and i am satisfied with the efforts i put in.

Reflection: Creative Writing

Writing a story was like a dream coming true for me. I always had plans to write a story but due to my procrastination habit and lack of consistency i never was able to write one. Finally, for the project when i got to know we have to write a story i was very happy. This project did help me a lot to improve my writing skills, especially on an academic level with proper research. The story i wrote did motivated me a lot to start writing some more fictional stories based on or related to true events happening so i can make content relatable for the audience and to make sure there is some sort of awareness or improvement in society about the social and political affairs now a days through my writings.

Reflection: Urban Landscape

 Being a person who never had an experience of professional photography. To be fairly honest, Although, being a media student for a long time this project was the first time I actually used a DSLR camera to click a photo. The experience was great and fantastic. I learned to control and change simple but different settings of the camera according to the surrounding environment. Well at least i can do basic photography with a DSLR and can capture some amazing clicks. 

Reflection: Biteable Video

 While making the biteable video, in the beginning i had some doubts that how will i describe and explain my skills as a professional. But, with the help of tutor and after using some technical terms to describe the particular set of skills i have, i was very much satisfied with the result. Although, i know there is a lot that can be added but as i am still learning a lot, Thus there will be a lot to add later on while i will be stepping in my professional life.

Free Project: Website Finalising

 To upload the final flipbook embedded code on my website, i first selected Pages and Menu option and added a blank page on to my gallery. I named it as the title of my book. Then i selected Add elements option, embedded code and selected embedded HTML as this is the format I've my flipbook embedded code in. Then i pasted the copied link in it and pressed apply. Now i will adjust the size and add some introduction and title to the topic to make it look more attractive and pleasing for the viewer. This is the final look of the project on website.

Free Project: Flipbook making

As my tutor informed me about some of the limitations flipbook has, therefore i will use some other book making app. Although, its also called Flipbookpdf but the developers are different. So, to make the flipbook the document was needed to be in pdf format. So, first i will change the word into pdf by using IlovePDF website again. After converting it, i downloaded and saved it into my PC to make a flipbook of it. To make the flipbook i went on this website and choose the downloaded document of pdf. Then i clicked on convert now to let the process begin. After it being converted, i downloaded the HTML version of it. The windows took me to a new page for download confirmation, where there was this embedded code option which i selected. After which i copied the embedded code, and saved it for uploading it on my website.

Free Project: Creative Writing Progress

I started my story with the same process as before by making a graph of ideas by making bullet points on a paper. Then i started writing the story by taking help with the little bit of research i did. As i was planning to make a story of  no more than 7 to 8 pages this time therefor it was easy to write the whole story in one go. I ended writing the story and then added pictures and cover page just like before. The pictures i selected was non-copyright ones. After adding the pictures i re checked the whole story for grammatical or spelling errors. After finalising everything i saved the document. Next step is to make a flipbook of it.