Urban Landscape Project: Website finalising

 To upload my final images on my website, i added new page in my gallery named Urban Landscape.

Then from add elements i selected a gallery, a slider one for all my final photos. Its because slider gallery squeezes itself according to the size of photo user puts in it.


After adding the gallery i gave it a title and an introduction about my project, like where the photos are clicked and other major details. After that i added my final photos in that gallery which were saved on my desktop.

Then i typed a title and detail about every single photo of mine one by one for the audience, so they can understand more about the photo.

After finalising all of it i saved it and looked in preview. That's how preview looks like


  1. I have been to your website and I cannot see your projects please ensure you have republished your website for assessment please also ensure you complete all your work and add a last reflection post on your blog


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