
Showing posts from October, 2022

Creating website

 So, to create a website I searched on google. Then I pressed Get  Started  option.  I continued with my google mail of university and I was introduced to my dashboard of my website. Then I went to edit site added navigation bar in which home, contact, about and projects options are available. to add these options in navigation bar I simply went to the left side of my screen and their 3rd option says pages and menu, I clicked it, and a slide opens, in that slide at the bottom there is an option as "Add Page". Pressed it and added all of the options in navigation bar.  Afterwards I had to work on those options, So, I started with filling in "About" in which I told a lil bit about myself and then what my website is going to be about. Then I changed the text size to 24 ppi for my-self and 20 ppi for a progression route and 16 for contacts, and the ppi for all the headings was 38. At last, to change the background of the texts I simply went to change strip backg

Final Project: Initial Research

 So, in this week I've been researching a lot of game reviewers such as Drop-In-Gaming, Angry Joe and Gameinformer. It helped me a lot to have know-how of how the articles are supposed to be composed. Where to start from, what info goes at the end what should be in the body, to sum up how to put right info at right place. Two of my favorite articles are given below and i will discuss about one of them briefly over here. So, while researching Drop-in Gaming i found an article about valorant tournaments, so i decided to read it as this is the same topic i will be discussing in my final project.  While research i actually did learn a lot about how i will discuss about the tournament of valo in tournament sector of my own article. However I might not add the timeline bar as i will be discussing tournaments of the game overall not of some specific year. It also looked a little too short for an article to me but again maybe its because he was describing only one aspect of the game not th


 Find my project plan here. I will complete each task in a particular week and will explain the tasks comprehensively in project posts. I've 5 weeks so I've planned my tasks according to that. 1) I will be researching some of the famous game reviewers to have an idea about how to write an article up to academic level and to learn the way articles of games are organized. 2) I will start by making some rough notes of the project major points and sequence in which I will be writing it in. 3) Then the agent, map, and gun skins will be discussed briefly in the article. For that I will be doing research on Valorant official website. 4)  I will be writing about the updates, game tactics and the gameplay of valorant very precisely by reviewing valorant pro players. 5)  At last, the success journey of the game and logical criticizing will be involved to sum up and bring the article to an end.

Project Sign Off: Valorant game review

 I have now completed my project sign off for my final project. Below is the piece of work of one of my favorite game reviewer dig also known as Drop-In-Gaming. I will be watching his and some other artist's work as well for help and to reach the academic level required, as my own work is going to have the same content as of them. Drop-In-Gaming Find my project sign-off here: Project Sign-off

Major Project: SMART objectives

 So, in my media project I will do a article in which I will be reviewing the game I play. This game is mostly for youth, but adults also play it, in quite a large amount. So, to review it I will be watching YouTube clips of some of my favorite content creators of this game which includes Shroud, OPTC YAY and NRG Som. I will be discussing the positive aspects of the game to motivate youngsters to play it because it is quite fun to play in leisure time and it is free on google. Then I will be discussing the negative aspects of the game, by researching some of the critics of the game as well. For reviewing the videos, I will be using the YouTube app. For writing my article I will be using word in the beginning and then finalizing it on blip.

Sequential Photography

 To catch up with MS. Singh's class, I am doing a simple and easy sequential photography. I worked with Charlie on this for just a quick example. I began by using images using these settings with my iPhone, ISO 160, focal length of 26mm and f1.5. It's a sequence about a man eating a candy and really enjoying the taste of it. Afterwards, I moved my photos into the computer. Then on Photoshop, I clicked on a new file, made a document sized A4, then pressed on File, Automate and then sequential image. After that I downloaded the file as PNG format and uploaded it over here.


    My Milanote  : So, in my milanote I've discussed about the game Valorant, which is a FPS game on PC. I've discussed all the details about the game from the beginning of its publishment to how it has evolved with time. Also, I've mentioned some of my favourite agents and maps.

My Blog Buddy

 [My Blog Buddy is Charlie Goldfin]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       He is media student. I will be commenting on his Blog which is about film studies. He will post     comment about my blog on his to support my

Welcome to Daniyal The Writer

 Welcome to my blog. My name is Daniyal Aamir, and I am a student at DMU university. I am using this blog to describe myself, to post about my interests, hobbies, what I'm up to and stuff like that.                                                                                                                                                                                                                So, my interests include reading novels but most of them are in my native language, so I am not going to talk about them here, but what I am going to do is talk about a film which I really enjoy watching as many times I want to which is pawn sacrifice. It's a film based on real life story of a chess player named Bobby Fischer. He is considered one of the legends in chess world and a lot of moves in chess are based on his name because he was the one to introduce them. So, in the beginning film is all about Bobbys childhood and how he ended up playing chess and then how he started