Sequential Photography

 To catch up with MS. Singh's class, I am doing a simple and easy sequential photography. I worked with Charlie on this for just a quick example. I began by using images using these settings with my iPhone, ISO 160, focal length of 26mm and f1.5. It's a sequence about a man eating a candy and really enjoying the taste of it. Afterwards, I moved my photos into the computer. Then on Photoshop, I clicked on a new file, made a document sized A4, then pressed on File, Automate and then sequential image. After that I downloaded the file as PNG format and uploaded it over here.


  1. Good that you posted this. You also need to mention what phone camera did you use? Did you use automated settings? Do explain what inspired you to make this particular sequence of images? You also need to add your final images and reflect on your series of images - does the sequence work in terms of what you set out to achieve?


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