Find my project plan here. I will complete each task in a particular week and will explain the tasks comprehensively in project posts. I've 5 weeks so I've planned my tasks according to that.

1) I will be researching some of the famous game reviewers to have an idea about how to write an article up to academic level and to learn the way articles of games are organized.

2) I will start by making some rough notes of the project major points and sequence in which I will be writing it in.

3) Then the agent, map, and gun skins will be discussed briefly in the article. For that I will be doing research on Valorant official website.

4)  I will be writing about the updates, game tactics and the gameplay of valorant very precisely by reviewing valorant pro players.

5)  At last, the success journey of the game and logical criticizing will be involved to sum up and bring the article to an end.


  1. Good that you thought about your steps. However, please post a detailed weekly project plan.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good plan, but you can add more. There should be a link for your project plan document. Make sure that the document is customized too. You can also make an infographic or poster of some sort as a way to customize your project plan and make it interesting.


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