Welcome to the new term ! In this term i will be trying to do much better than before both academically and practically and enhance my skills according to my progression route.


I would like to start this term by talking about one of my favorite social media personality and influencer "Sheikh Atif Ahmed" . He is scholar and motivational speaker who has graduated from University of Houston, Dallas. He is also the founder and chief executive of Al Midrar Institute.Al Midrar institute is academic research and training institute in which Sheikh Atif Ahmed coaches students in various subjects which includes Principles of Management Sciences, Human Behavioral Psychology, Entrepreneurship, coaching, affairs of War, Islamic principles and various different subjects. Sheikh Atif Ahmed also studied Aalim Course from Mahad ul Quran which is situated in front of Karachi University where he was taught under the generous guidance of Grand Shaykh Mufti Khaleel ur Rahman Lakhvi. Sheikh Atif Ahmed also possess a certification in Quranic EXEGESIS From Mohaddis Mufti Shaykh Abdullah Amjad Chatwee and a certification in Saheeh al Bukhari from Shaykh Mehmood Ahmed Hassan.

He is mostly known as a religious speaker but personally atending his lectures on entrepreneurship and skill management, I realised how successful and amazing his business management skills are. I really like the way he puts his words while delivering a speech and his talking style is really motivating. His speeches have helped me a lot in time of difficulties and hardships. That is one of the main reason I have so much respect and honor for him.. as he is more of a teacher for me instead of just a random social media influencer. 


About Us (2022) Shiekh Atif. Available at: https://sheikhatifahmed.com/about-us/ (Accessed: January 9, 2023).


  1. This is very minimal with one reference and no image please add to this ...


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