
Showing posts from February, 2023

Creative Writing: Initial research

 To write a good story, especially in academic studies it is very important to make sure that a person is writing by following all the important academic rules. Moreover it also helps to improve the audience response and to enhance your writing skills which will be beneficial for an individual later on in professional times. As my topic was about innocent people suffering in jail and how they try to escape and all so i researched both fictional and non-fictional stories about the people falsely accused for crimes and have spent time in prisons. Out of many the one i liked was Innocent Prisoner , a short-story by Lizzy Henderson which is published on Booksie officially. I read the whole story but the part which was the most impressive for me was the starting paragraph, the use of metaphors and sarcastic sentences were very helpful for me to learn how should i use them while writing my own essay. I personally didn't like the ending of the story as there was no proper ending to the

Creative Writing: Initial Ideas and Title generation

  So, for creative writing task we were suppose to write a story and make a book of it. It took me few days to decide the topic about which i am going to write. Then after a while i thought of a topic i was watching trending on social media for quite a long time about Tate brothers. How they are in jail for few months without any charges being filed against them and them being proven guilty just because they were about to reveal a lot of truths to the world. Anyways, this whole survey helped me a lot with what my story is going to be about. So i am gonna write about the people who are innocent and how much pain and suffering they go through in jail and how they try to escape and other stuff about it. So for this topic i am going to research some real stories and books on this topic to know more about how the language and different techniques are used to write a good story to create a good impact of the story on the audience.The title of my story which will appear on the cover page will

The Chapbook: Planning

What is your final idea? Please explain in two sentences the theme and the form your writing will take. I will be most probably creating a BOOK of a story with theme related to crime, jail and innocent people suffering inside the jails just because they start revealing the truths against governments. Considering the form, how do you intend to layout your book pages? I will be using text mostly with few images as well. How many pages do you expect there will be? Depends on the story but round about 15 to 20. Are you going to use images? Are these your own images (illustrations/photographs) or copyright free images that you will source? Yes, a mixture of my own and copyright free images. What is the plan of your time and how much you will need to spend on this ? As writing is something that requires time and concentration without disturbance. I will spend  5 hours for 5 days to complete my story. What do you imagine the final book will look like? I imagine it to be book of quality in

Urban Landscape: Quality Improvement

 After finishing urban photography in class the next step is to  modify the quality of those images.To begin with i looked at the photographs i i thought required some editing then i opened them on Adobe Photoshop to apply different editing tools. I sharpen the background where it was required, blur the unnecessary stuff and thing like that. Just a simple example is given below So this was the photo i clicked but due to way too much light or maybe wrong camera settings at that point the sky looked terrible to me, but i really wanted to keep the pic of the tree so i tried adding a little darkening effect and it turned up quite amazing. This is the final result of the Quality improvement i did. I did the same for some other photographs as well which i thought requires editing or some kind of improvement.

Tokyo Compression: Michael Wolf Research

 As we have been studying about photography in the class, one of the photographer we looked at was Michael Wolf. The photo i choose to discuss is named  Tokyo Compression #75, 2009   on his website.                                                                                                                                  Michael Wolf Photography I like this photo for a lot of reasons, especially every single detail mentioned in the pic is telling a whole story itself. The mask in the photo tells the pic is taken after COVID-19 being introduced as a virus. While researching i also got to know that total population of Tokyo is 13.96 Million up till 2021, which means local buses and trains are supposed to be crowded specially in office timings. Looking at this photo also makes an individual realize how difficult it is for the working community to go through all of this scenario on daily basis. Man in the pic looks half dead just because of the lack of space for people to fit in, look

Urban Landscape: Cultural Quarter

 After the photography session with the theme of traces, we moved on to do urban landscape photography, for that we visited Cultural Quarter in Leicester. I used the same SONY camera with manual settings at  ISO 100, f/2.8, and 1/10. I took almost 82 pics, here are the contact sheets of those photos. The images i took were both in color and black and white as well.They were in landscape and portrait both. Although i tried my best to click best photos but still some of them will require editing which i will do on photoshop.

TRACES : Class Task

 In this post i will talk about the photography session we had in class, in which we learned how to use camera settings and functions. After that we were given an hour to practice our photography within the uni boundaries. I used my SONY camera with manual settings at  ISO 100, f/2.8, and 1/10.. The first few photographs however are photographs of me, taken with my friend's SONY camera with auto settings. Here is the contact sheet of the photos i took. I chose few photos out of them as my final photos as they were the best ones as per my knowledge. This is my final contact sheet with final photos REFLECTION: Considering the fact i've never done professional photography before , i was quite happy about the images i clicked. I also enjoyed these black and white shots a lot. I've  also learned a lot about camera settings as well and the mistakes i made during the session.