Urban Landscape: Quality Improvement

 After finishing urban photography in class the next step is to  modify the quality of those images.To begin with i looked at the photographs i i thought required some editing then i opened them on Adobe Photoshop to apply different editing tools. I sharpen the background where it was required, blur the unnecessary stuff and thing like that. Just a simple example is given below

So this was the photo i clicked but due to way too much light or maybe wrong camera settings at that point the sky looked terrible to me, but i really wanted to keep the pic of the tree so i tried adding a little darkening effect and it turned up quite amazing.

This is the final result of the Quality improvement i did.

I did the same for some other photographs as well which i thought requires editing or some kind of improvement.


  1. You needed to write more her about curation and the process - you have no work from the creative writing project


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