The Chapbook: Planning

What is your final idea? Please explain in two sentences the theme and the form your writing will take.
I will be most probably creating a BOOK of a story with theme related to crime, jail and innocent people suffering inside the jails just because they start revealing the truths against governments.

Considering the form, how do you intend to layout your book pages?

I will be using text mostly with few images as well.

How many pages do you expect there will be?
Depends on the story but round about 15 to 20.

Are you going to use images? Are these your own images (illustrations/photographs) or copyright free images that you will source?
Yes, a mixture of my own and copyright free images.

What is the plan of your time and how much you will need to spend on this?
As writing is something that requires time and concentration without disturbance. I will spend  5 hours for 5 days to complete my story.

What do you imagine the final book will look like?
I imagine it to be book of quality instead of book with quantity of pages.

Have you considered the cover page/contents page/back cover with blurb?
No, i will be using flip book software and i will use photoshop to create the cover page and quality check the photos i use.

Drafting and redrafting will need to be done? Who would you get to proofread your work?
As i will be using word document it auto highlights the spelling mistakes. For proof reading i am going to take help of one of my class mate.
