Tokyo Compression: Michael Wolf Research

 As we have been studying about photography in the class, one of the photographer we looked at was Michael Wolf. The photo i choose to discuss is named Tokyo Compression #75, 2009  on his website.


                                                             Michael Wolf Photography

I like this photo for a lot of reasons, especially every single detail mentioned in the pic is telling a whole story itself. The mask in the photo tells the pic is taken after COVID-19 being introduced as a virus. While researching i also got to know that total population of Tokyo is 13.96 Million up till 2021, which means local buses and trains are supposed to be crowded specially in office timings. Looking at this photo also makes an individual realize how difficult it is for the working community to go through all of this scenario on daily basis. Man in the pic looks half dead just because of the lack of space for people to fit in, looks like he is suffocating and having difficulty in breathing. The ring in his finger also  shows that he is married meaning his family is probably waiting for him to be back home. i mean one can think of a lot of meaning from this like how he is going through this whole situation just to provide for his family and give them a better lifestyle. Moreover its just no this person alone, we can see a lot of other blur faces as well, showing that a lot of people are going through same situation.


Michael Wolf photography (no date) Michael Wolf Photography. Available at: (Accessed: January 27, 2023).
Michael Wolf (no date) Michael Wolf | World Press Photo. Available at: (Accessed: January 27, 2023).
Tokyo Compression - photographs by Michael Wolf (no date) LensCulture. Available at: (Accessed: January 27, 2023).
Williams, H. (2011) The end of the line: Michael Wolf's photographs of the Tokyo Rush Hour, The Independent. Independent Digital News and Media. Available at: (Accessed: January 27, 2023).
