Major Project: Development 1

 So, to begin I just created some bullet points roughly while maintaining the sequence in which I will start writing my article. These bullets point will help me figure what and how I will be starting a particular feature of the game which I am about to review and what sequence will the reader find him/her-self comfortable in.So basically the concept of making this rough mind map was to make sure the ideas are saved and organized enough to help me while working on my project later on.

I added a point to discuss why i am choosing this game for a review, the development of the game from the basic, how was the early access{ beta version} and how much it was appreciated and how many changes were made.The format of the game, the agents and map info, the articles research I did for the project and the game progression with time. I also added the point where i will be discussing the benefits and drawbacks of the game.


  1. Good job on this one! You've written about all the things that you wanted to include in your review here, but I don't think you have arranged the order of each points. I think it would be better to include order of sequence between each points and making your note more organized to make your review structure easier to understand.


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