Website Creation again

 So, I wasn't totally satisfied from my website look so I asked my class fellows and the teacher. They were also of the view that website doesn't looks professional and needs some editing. So i decided to do it again and for that i created a new website with one of the default templates this time.

After selecting this template, I started editing it a little bit according to my choice. I changed the top left    "Nicol Rider" to "Daniyal The Writer"

After that I copied my previous "About me" and pasted it with just a little bit of editing on the new website's "About me". The font size of paragraphs is 26 and the Font name is "Avenir Light". The font size of headings is 40 and Font name is "Neuzeit Grotesk". I also added a little bit of animations to the text as well. I also added my picture which was captured by Zoe in the university studio and added it on the left side of my about me.

Then i changed my profile pic from default to one of my own choice. 

Then I changed RESUME to WHO'S ME? and PROJECTS to GALLERY in the bubbles, the size and name of fonts of which don't change from default. i did added a little bit of animation though. I also added a Welcome text of my own. The font name of HELLO text is trend and font size is 97. The font size of other text is josefin slab and font size is 29.

Then I changed my gallery posts pic from default to one of the one available on unsplash. However, later on i might delete all of them to add my final project over here.

Then for the contact page I edited my contact page a little bit as well. As this template has no social media links I added them by going on add elements

After that i linked those social apps to my social media accounts such as Instagram and my blogger. Then i removed the copyright and added my website name to it.

At last , to check and verify mobile view is user friendly and is working properly I selected mobile view option.

The mobile view was also working perfectly fine and the alignment of the text was totally on point as well.


  1. Good job. I think that this is a quite general website creation post. That said, although individual website page creation post may be more troublesome, it allows you to go more in-depth on each page creation as opposed to just one or several sentences per page here.

  2. Good that you have taken the feedback on board and have made some changes. Explain what template you chose and why? You also need to explain how you added the social media links to your website including Blogger. Talk about how you edited the contact page. For example, what fonts, font size, colours you used and why? You started off well by explaining the homepage but have rushed explaining the other pages. Please explain the technical process in detail. You also need to reflect on the overall process. Did you find it easier to create the site the second time? What did you do differently?


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